Where does our name Ertheo come from?

Maybe you don´t know why we are called Ertheo, a strange name to pronounce but with an understandable name. Before we explain this, if you still don´t know us very well, our main job is to offer educational and sporting experiences, camps and academies where boys and girls learn for the future. Youngsters are important to Ertheo, and we bet on them to have a better world.

Now let´s get into what is behind Ertheo (it´s not Erzeo, Erceo or Erteo), and find out where we come from and the main reasons why our name was chosen. Want to know more?

The road traveled

More than 10 years ago the idea came up to advise youngsters all over the world and choose a sports camp for summer vacation. Even if this is a difficult task, we started helping boys, girls, moms and dads who had doubts about choosing sporting options.

One of our mission statements has been to foster education, focusing all our efforts on finding the best offer for sports camps with language classes organized by the best clubs in the world.

First of all, we offered our clients camps in several pages divided by sports:

[interactive_banner banner_desc=”Soccer Camps” banner_image=”id^19336|url^https://www.ertheo.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/futcamp.png|caption^null|alt^null|title^futcamp|description^null”]
[interactive_banner banner_desc=”Tennis Camps” banner_image=”id^19342|url^https://www.ertheo.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/teniscamp.png|caption^null|alt^null|title^teniscamp|description^null”]
[interactive_banner banner_desc=”Golf Camps” banner_image=”id^19339|url^https://www.ertheo.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/golfcamp.png|caption^null|alt^null|title^golfcamp|description^null”]

After several years with these three pages in several languages, we decided to join our programs into one and that is where, what you know now as Ertheo, was born. But there is another reason for this change, very important for our organization, where we include other sports and discipline camps since we noticed that many other activities exist that can be very entertaining to spend a summer or even more time there.

This is our new platform, very renovated and where you can find our classical tennis, golf and soccer programs as well as new options to practice sailing, motorcycling, magic or dance, among many other activities.

Why the name Ertheo?

After joining our web together came the difficult task of creating a name. After many rounds, we came up with, Ertheo, please don´t confuse us or search for us as Erzeo, Erceo, or Erteo, since these are more common names that can be mistaken with ours. But, how did our brains come up with the name Ertheo?

To explain this we need to talk about history, more precisely about sports history. Ancient Greece has been known for its great influence as a Western cultural base, but regarding sports, do you remember who were the first to organize what we know today as the Olympics? Yes, they were the Greeks, who recruited, every four years, the best athletes to compete in Olympia.

Ruins from the Olympia stadium

Historians have not defined the actual year of the first games, but they think it was around 700 BC. These Olympics had nothing to do with what we know today, although sports such as the long jump or the pole vault were done in that time period.

After this history lesson, maybe you can understand where our name comes from. The name selected comes from a Greek name and the logo is a young man with a crown of leafs, very characteristic with Ancient Greece. With this detail, we tried to reflect the relationship our organization has with sports, a cornerstone of our programs.

You will can listen our name in many ways because the combination “th” has different pronunciations in the different countries of the world. One of them may be Erteo, more common in Spain, although in English-speaking countries we might be named Erzeo / Erceo.

Now that you know a little more about our journey, why don´t you take a look at some of our Ertheo programs on our web and discover the vast offers, multiple sports, and educational disciplines. But before we finish, we leave you with our slogan, which represents a huge objective, supporting our youngsters and their education.

Empowering Your Children's Future