Education, Sports & Health 🏫

Strength Training for Youth Athletics

Why Fitness and Conditioning Should Be an Integral Part of Youth Athletics The best time to introduce youth athletes to training that includes fitness and conditioning exercises has been a figurative tug-of-war between coaches, physical training specialists and the world’s medical community for decades. Even before the internet became the primary tool of information gathering; parents, coaches, and doctors were subject to conflicting information and many misleading facts about the fitness and conditioning of young people – particularly when it comes to strength training. Let’s take this opportunity to sift through the mountains of information – and misinformation – on… Read More »Strength Training for Youth Athletics

Peak Performance: Elevate Your Game, Avoid Burnout, and Thrive with the New Science of Success

Foreword from Ertheo Peak Performance: Elevate Your Game, Avoid Burnout, and Thrive with the New Science of Success teaches athletes how to perform their best and maintain their best performance without getting tired and burning out. We thought the book was perfect for parents of young athletes who want to help their children achieve their goals. That’s why we read the book and extracted the most important information for you so you can help your child achieve their goals without having to read the full book yourself. First, we’ll introduce the topic. We’ll talk about what peak performance is and why… Read More »Peak Performance: Elevate Your Game, Avoid Burnout, and Thrive with the New Science of Success

How much sleep does youth athletes need? Ertheo / Sleep & Performance

How will sleep or lack of sleep affect athletic and academic performance in teenage athletes? Are your children currently getting the right amount and quality sleep? Find the answers in this article… How Much Sleep Does Teenage Athletes Need? When we think of a healthy lifestyle we often consider the importance of a healthy diet and exercise routine. We make New Year’s resolutions to eat healthier or exercise more. But, when was the last time you heard someone say their New Year’s resolution was to get more sleep? Diet and exercise are certainly important for physical health, but sleep is… Read More »How much sleep does youth athletes need? Ertheo / Sleep & Performance

Stretching Routine for Youth Athletes. Dynamic vs Stating Stretching

Should teenage athletes stretch before and after sports practice? Stretching is another important part of your child’s sports training and another area where you can have a great impact on your child’s athletic success. Most would agree that stretching plays an important role in athletic success, but the simple act of stretching isn’t enough to guarantee positive outcomes. The correct kind of stretching can enhance performance. The incorrect kind of stretching can actually hurt your child’s performance. Does your child understand the importance of stretching? Do they know which stretches to perform as a part of their warm-up and which stretches… Read More »Stretching Routine for Youth Athletes. Dynamic vs Stating Stretching

Jugador de la academia de fútbol de alto rendimiento del Barça en USA encarando a un rival

How to choose a soccer academy – A complete guide from Ertheo

Do you want to become a professional soccer player? You might have heard of high-performance soccer academies.  Soccer academies are boarding schools for elite, young soccer players designed to develop their skills and prepare them to compete at a collegiate, semi-professional, or professional level. The best academies not only have the connections and the know-howRead More »How to choose a soccer academy – A complete guide from Ertheo